Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

What Makes Happiness?

Why would I give the title 'what makes happiness?' Well, actually I want to give a title that more advance than that like 'what happiness can make?' Why 'what happiness can make?' is one step ahead than 'what makes happiness?'? In my opinion, 'what happiness can make?' is the title for the step where you already have happiness, freedom, peace, etc, and you can see what all of that bring into your world. And 'what makes happiness?' is the title for someone who's still looking for happiness. Sometimes, I feel like something's missing in me and that thing's prevent me to achieve happiness. And I thought, well this is danger when you feel like something's missing in your life and you feel like you can do so much more than this but you can do nothing and you don't even know what is wrong with you. So, fortunately I found such a good advice, such a good quotes from Mahatma Gandhi. Here it is

So, everything you do in life you have to do it right. I mean, you just don't get something without any struggle. You have to fight for something you want for life. Like Gandhi said it is dangers to have wealth without work, for example. And even if you have a lot of money, you can buy everything you want, and there is nothing wrong with it, but just remember where do you get the money and do you deserve that money and the important thing is you have to use the money wisely. Maybe money can buy you everything, but not happiness like this quotes

'money can buy you bed, but not sleep
it can buy you a clock, but not time
it can buy you a book, but not knowledge
it can buy you a position, but not respect
it can buy you medicine, but not health
it can buy you blood, but not life
it can buy you sex, but not love'

From my case, I guess I know now what problem I have that prevent me from happiness. It's probably I'm not struggle enough for what I want. And yeps I have to fix my problem for my own good. It reminds me with what Soekarno said somehow, 'Siapa maoe mentjari moetiara, haroeslah berani selam ke dalam laoet jang sedalam-dalamnja. Siapa jang dengan hati ketjil berdiri di pinggir sahadja dan takoet akan terdjoen ke dalam air, ia tak akan dapet sesoeatoe apa!'. Well, life without struggle, where's the fun in it anyway? And, the last but not least, the key to happiness is to be honest and grateful for what you've got!

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