Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Helloooo KL!

So, yesterday we arrived here in Kuala Lumpur for holiday! Yeyeeey :D. From airport I already feel Kuala Lumpur in the air, Petronas logo are everywhere. We arrived around 2pm, heem I guess. And we took taxi to the hotel. And this is the funny thing. The taxi driver was speaking 'mix language' *melayu, english, indonesia* that I didn't really get what he was saying. He talked about politic mostly *I don't like politic* and he was saying like 'blabla...kelapa bloabla Chairul Tanjung blabla Prabowo blabla Peter Sondakh syalala kelapa... he is a humble person ya welelewe Petronas welele Jokowi, syalalablabla bluurrr'. Well, I just didn't get it and surprisingly my brother responded the taxi driver so well that I thought my brother was so cool. And after we arrived to the hotel, I asked my brother what he was talking about with the taxi driver, he said this 'I don't get it either'. And I was like '._. really?'. And he was like 'Yeah, I responded him just to look cool'. And I was like really? *with suspicious eyes* what the! My brother really is something. So, here's the thing I was trying to tell you, I realized that I'm not in my country anymore with that mix language I'm not familiar yet! Well, get used to it soon! Hehe.
By the way, we stayed at Traders Hotel and it's gonna be our home for the next 7 days. Yoohooo~! The hotel is amazing :D! I can see twin tower from our room clearly, KLCC, the pool. Everything looks sophisticate. After we looked around the hotel, we went to playground. It was fun. There are a lot of swings and slides. But what a shame it's only for kids :(. Then, we went to Suria KLCC find anything to eat for lunch and I had baked rice cheese with chicken cutlet or anything like that and that was my first dish I taste in KL. It was nice too. After that we get rest.
The day after yesterday, which is today, we went to playground again and Suria KLCC. Nothing new for the second day in Kuala Lumpur. Oh ya I went to hotel from Suria by buggy car! Ehehe, no walking syalalala :D. It was raining today in Kuala Lumpur, so yep we didn't go anywhere too far from hotel. That's it for today story in Kuala Lumpur. Stay tune for the next story :D hehe.

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So many things to see and do in this world! Lead the life I love!

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