Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

I've Changed It

So, I already changed my introduction about me on this profile from this

to this

Why do I have to change the introduction? Well, I have a tingly feeling when I read my first introduction. I mean, it's so cliché for a girl to wrote those kinda things 'a girl with a lot of hope, uncountable happiness, infinity love, strong belief and sure, tons of dreams' and it IS sounds so naive. Since I've grown up a bit now, so I've changed it to 'So many things to see and do in this world! Lead the life I love!'. 
It's not like I've changed the way I used to be, but you know everybody grown up and adapt their surroundings and maybe that's just make them see from different perspective. *Oh that again! That feeling when you have something in your mind but can't say it properly!* I mean I'm not changing or anything, I still am the way I am but I've grown up. You get that?
And it's not like I'm already mature or anything. I'm still childish sometimes. As Britney Spears said 'I'm not a girl, not yet a woman' but I've grown up!
And it's not like I've lost my hope, lost my happiness, lost my love, lost my belief nor lost my dreams. It's not like that at all. I'm sure I still have all of that. But you know, everybody has their ups and downs, and you wouldn't know happiness without sadness, right? Everything you know has their indifference, if it is not then it wouldn't be exist. You get that? I just thought that it would be wiser to changed it to 'Lead the life I love!'. Well, guess I've grown up a bit.
This whole wide world has such a great paradox, anyway. 
So, do you get that?

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About Me

So many things to see and do in this world! Lead the life I love!

Today is the Day


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