Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Self Reflection

huaaaaashi udah lama-lama-lama-lamaaaa bingiit ga nulis blog. hoekeh ga banyak ribet lagi lah tulisan kali ini. cuman mau liat seberapa kenal sih nad diri lo kenal sama diri lo sendiri -,-, apa-apa yang lo suka dan ga lo suka. here we go
-i don't like being in a crowd, to be the center of attention. all i want just a person who knows me for who i truly am
-i don't like being in a crowd, because i feel lost somehow
-i love doing simple thing like get up in the morning, breathing some fresh air, reading book, listen to the music and i do all of that thing in the same time
-sometime i love being alone, reflecting what i've done, what i've did, what happened and learn myself more
-when it's raining day, i've always remember my childhood life somehow, dancing in the rain, running away, screaming laugh, we didn't care what people think of us, didn't care how wet our cloth would be, when being happy is all we get
-everything my brother said to me, whatever he asked me for anything, i've always belive in him
-i've always listen to people what they said, but never easily believe about their story
-i looked people character by how they treat other people
-i'm quite, but when i met someone who knows me well, i talked a lot 
-i love travelling
-i hate drama
-i'm weird sometimes
-i can read people's mind sometimes *kidding
heeem apa lagi ya? kayaknya udah deh itu doang untuk saat ini. haha

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So many things to see and do in this world! Lead the life I love!

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